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Being a Parent
July 14, 2022
Being a parent is the most important and challenging job many adults will face in their lifetime. The aim of good parenting is to raise healthy, well-adjusted children who have the skills they will need in adult life. Most adults begin their parenting careers unprepared for what lies ahead and learn their parenting skills through trial and error. Many have high expectations of themselves-how they should feel and cope with being a parent. Unrealistic expectations can lead to feelings of disappointment or inadequacy. Join the School Readiness Program, AT NO COST, through Zoom as we provide suggestions to help you manage the challenges that come with being a parent.
Triple P, Positive Parenting for Parents or Caregivers of Children 0-8 years.
Class will be offered in morning and evening sessions! Join us at either 11:00am-12:00pm or 5:00pm-6:00pm. Please register using Zoom link below or contact us at [email protected]. Registration is good for both morning and evening sessions.