September Is Suicide Prevention Month

September Is Suicide Prevention Month
Sep 01, 2022

September is National Suicide Prevention Month and this year at The Priority Center ourI’m Here for You campaign is focused on “See Something. Say Something.” We all have a role to play in suicide prevention. There are actions you can take right now to support yourself and others and we are here to help you. Through the month of September, The Priority Center will create awareness, promote education, and provide helpful tips and resources so that everyone has the tools needed to say something.

At The Priority Center, our programs include in-home crisis stabilization for both children and adults, who are experiencing suicidal, homicidal, and self-harm thoughts. A client of our Children’s In-Home Crisis Stabilization Program shared this, ““Having someone to talk to and confide in has made me realize that my life is worth living.”– Julia, Age 16. You can help us continue this life-changing work and show individuals like Julia “I’m here for you”, by donating today, just click the following link.

Know the signs
Pain isn’t always obvious, but most suicidal people show some signs that they are thinking about suicide. The signs may appear in conversation, through their actions, or in social media posts. If you observe one or more warning signs, step in or speak up.

Help is available

The Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255- TALK) offers 24/7 free and confidential assistance from trained counselors.

Join our mailing list at the bottom of the page and follow us on social media @theprioritycenter as we share helpful tips and resources throughout the month of September. 

Thank You to our Sponsors: 

Sue and David Crockett