Acknowledging the Support of Our Donors, Sponsors, and Partners
Meet the people and organizations that support our work to transform lives and strengthen our community in Orange County.

Champions of Change
American Business Bank
California foundation for stronger communities
Anne Macpherson
Catherine sorensen
Colleen Rogers
Debashis Chowdhury
Don kennedy
Exchange Club of newport harbor
Frederique Georges
George Hoag Family Foundation
Gray Construction, Inc.
Honda USA Foundation
Jeremy Webb & The Webb Family Foundation
Marc Reich
Marisla Foundation
Pacific Life Foundation
rachel NG
richard Swinney
Susan & David Crockett
The Crean Family FOundation
The Kennedy FOundation
Executives Circle
Athena Wong
Croul Family Foundation
Dhont Family FOundation
Diamond Hill Capital Management
Glen & Dorthy Stillwell Charitable Trust
Honor Escrow
John Hoefer
Margaret E. Oser Fund for Women
Mark Burkhardt
Michael Palkovic
Women in Institutional Investments Network (wiiin)
1983 Society
A Little Help Foundation
Andrew Phillips
Ankura Consulting Group LLC
Aristotle Capital Management LLC
Brian Gregory Murphy
Don Bailey
Doreen D. Marshall Fund for youth (OCCF)
Fidelity National Title Group
Frank Fasel
Freddie Georges Production Group
GoldenTree Asset Management
Haskell & White LLP
Heidi Nogy
Hogiadi Kumiawan
In-N-Out burger Foundation
Jason Chan
Keller williams realty
kyle lyndee bollar legacy fund
mark clews
mind oc
one digital
rite aid foundation
Tcw group
the ugalde family charitable foundation
thomas manakides
trammell crow company
william blair & company
william ross family foundation
Blue Ribbon
American west restaurant group, llc
amundi pioneer asset mgmt, usa
Anaheim community foundation
Anaheim ducks foundation
anaheim ducks hockey club, llc
astrid bassett
banc of california
chistopher selzer
control air enterprises llc
dori del rosario
edwards lifesciences
entrust global
exchange club of irvine
experian information solutions, inc.
first foundation
gibson dunn
Gregory washer
jennifer yalamanchi
john stephens
kai kanatsiz
kevin fink
lisa fujimoto
newth morris
oltmans construction
paul godby
principal financial group
roosters foundation of orange county
show ready, inc.
Argyros family foundation
the mission grant committee of first congregation church of elgin
vanessa dixon
variety – the children’s charity of southern california
wayne barksdale
wescombe family foundation
wright ford young & Co
Partners of Hope
1st Century Bank
alison teixeira
ampco contracting, inc.
andersen commercial plumbing
anne marie schieffer
baron capital
cal it group
colleen tansey
davison & moore
ed inal
enterprise bank & trust
first american title company
forouzan yavari
george wiley
gokal law group
gps painting
Heather beatty
intelcis, inc
investors philanthropic
isabel valdivia
jesse mullen
jonathan adler
Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks
Kevin P. crampton foundation
Kristi beard
Kristin byrnes
Kunal shah
land mark electric
liz manji
lpa design studios
martin and jennifer shramo
nicole reynolds
pam selber
paolo alcantara
pat moore
ragnar events llc
renegade flooring
rich flanigan
ryan hatch
sara garske
scott shane
seeley brothers
sundt foundation
suzanne miller
The madison foundation for families
william and elaine ross
Corporate Alliance Partners
Exchange Club of Newport Harbor
Fidelity national title group
honor Escrow
Keller Williams Realty
Pillars of Priority
Catherine Sorensen
Colleen rogers
Crean family foundation
Debashis and laurel chowdhury
Exchange club of newport harbor
Hughes Marino Inc.
Joe Macpherson Foundation
Lisa Fujimoto
Mark Burkhardt foundation
william ross family foundation
wunderman family foundation
Upcoming Events and Engagements
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