
Meet Claudia, an 11-year-old who embarked on a brave journey toward mental wellness with support from The Priority Center’s Child and Adolescent Intensive Home-Based Services (CIHCS).

Claudia’s struggle with suicidal thoughts and self-harm mirrored her family’s history of mental health challenges. Concerned but hopeful, Claudia’s mother turned to CIHCS for guidance. With the help of her dedicated clinician and case manager, Claudia confronted the root cause of her anguish: bullying at school. Armed with coping skills and newfound confidence, she overcame the shadows that once threatened her. CIHCS provided more than therapy; they offered a lifeline, supporting Claudia and her family through home visits and school interventions, tailoring their approach to fit unique needs.

Today, Claudia stands tall, her smile a testament to her resilience. With CIHCS by her side, she not only conquered her struggles but also forged deeper connections with her family. Claudia’s journey continues, empowered to face life’s challenges with courage and grace.

At The Priority Center, every success story reaffirms our commitment to mental health advocacy, illuminating the path to wellness one courageous step at a time. Join us in celebrating Claudia’s triumph and honoring the resilience of everyone on their journey to mental wellness.