Our Programs
The Priority Center’s six different life-changing programs are designed to work with each family’s or individual’s unique needs to directly serve those in need, reach those we can engage in our work, and teach those whom we cannot directly serve.

Services for Families with Young Children
Support for parents and guardians in fostering a safe and nurturing home environment for children.

Infant & Toddler Home Visitation Program
Personalized home visits and guidance to foster child development and strengthen family well-being.
CalWORKS Home-Visiting Program (HVP)
Home visitation services for families receiving CalWORKs cash aid with a focus on child development, parenting, and family well-being.
Children’s In-Home Crisis Stabilization Program
Short-term, in-home crisis intervention for children and their families to prevent hospitalization or out-of-home placement.
Adults In-Home Crisis Stabilization Program
Field-based intervention to support Orange County adults and their families after experiencing a mental health crisis.
Basic Needs
Critical basic needs items to families involved in the child welfare system in Southern California.
Basic Needs Warehouse & Community Resource Guide
Access the help you need today. Connect with local professionals, explore resources for suicide prevention, child abuse prevention, and mental health support, or apply to receive essential household items.
Basic Needs Warehouse
Providing critically-needed household items to Orange County.
By referral only
Donations can be dropped off to 7281 Garden Grove Blvd., Unit D, Garden Grove, CA 92841